Tea Amo Wellness: Raspberry Lemonade

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Type: Tea Bags - 3oz


Fantabulous Perfection in a Cup... Yep!


Tea Amo's Raspberry Lemonade tea is an infusion crafted with a delightful combination of lemon verbena, lemongrass, lemon peel, and raspberry pieces. This carefully curated blend offers a harmonious fusion of gentle raspberry sweetness and invigorating lemon zest, resulting in a truly satisfying and calming herbal elixir


One of the remarkable advantages of lemon verbena in tea lies in its natural ability to uplift your spirits and alleviate feelings of anxiety. This remarkable herb possesses soothing properties that may calm the nervous system; allowing for a sense of tranquility and well-being. Moreover, lemon verbena tea is known to aid in various digestive disorders, including indigestion; subsequently promoting a healthier gut. It's also been found to potentially provide assistance with joint pain, mild insomnia, asthma, common colds, and fever; making it a versatile herbal aid


Experience tea like you've never tasted before with Tea Amo Wellness' Raspberry Lemonade blend! This exquisite drink takes you on a journey of relaxation with its herbal and lemony flavors, juxtaposed against the mild tartness of raspberry. So, if you're feeling frazzled, take a sip and let this Tea Amo treat calm your nerves, restoring your peace of mind. Time for a cuppa!



Potential Therapeutic Properties: Immune Boosting | Antioxidant | Anti-Inflammatory | Vitamin C | Mood Assistance | Antibacterial | Digestion Support | Natural Diuretic | Heart Health 

  • INGREDIENTS: Raspberry, Apple, Cornflower, Hibiscus, Lemon Verbena, Lemon and Lemongrass
  • FORMAT: 10 Teabags or Loose Leaf
  • WEIGHT: 3.0 oz


*This information is not intended to diagnose, heal, treat, cure, or prevent any disease*



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